Men of Principle Initiative

Since the start of Beta’s award-winning Men of Principle initiative in 1998, the Fraternity has seen significant improvements in the areas of academics, recruitment, risk management and leadership development. Before Men of Principle, the Fraternity’s average chapter GPA was just above a 2.8. Today the Fraternity’s GPA has risen to a 3.177, the highest of all fraternities. The average chapter/colony size is 71 men, compared to 48.9 in 1997. In 1998 there was an average of 1.95 volunteer advisors per chapter. Today, an average of 7.0 advisors work with each chapter/colony.

With the Men of Principle initiative, Beta gave new voice to the enduring values of the Fraternity. The Initiative was more than a program; it was a deep inner philosophy that demanded integrity from every chapter and all members of the Fraternity. Today, as it was back in 1839, Beta Theta Pi is a shining example across North America for all that is good and true when men come together in a brotherhood of purpose, friendship and fidelity.